The season of Covid-19 has had both its good and bad sides.
Even though it has been difficult for some people, for some people it has been a time of harvesting.
It has also been a time of learning.
My take-away in this season is that, when opportunities come in life, we must seize them at the right time.
When Covid-19 struck, the Kenyan government closed all schools. Immediately, online learning became necessary.
However, many schools and families have struggled to enable their children learn. They could not access the internet because they did not have desktop computers or laptops.
This takes me a couple of years back when the Jubilee government came to power on the promise of availing a laptop for every child. This promise never happened.
This week, the Chief Justice of Kenya advised the Kenyan president to dissolve parliament for failing to enact laws that will help to level the playing ground for women in political leadership. The current constitution envisaged that parliament would have done this by this time. But this did not happen.
What lessons do we learn from these two, unrelated, happenings?
The wise man says in Proverbs 12:27: “The lazy man does not catch and roast his prey, but the precious possession of a [wise] man is diligence [because he recognizes opportunities and seizes them]” (AMP).
The first lesson is that God will present us with many opportunities, just the way he provides animals in the wild for the hunters.
The second lesson is that we must be wise and diligent if we are to see and use the opportunities that God brings our way.
The third lesson is that if we fail to seize an opportunity when it presents itself, we will pay a heavy price. If you fail to heal a wound at the right time, you may be forced to do a painful surgery.
If Kenyan leaders had provided laptops to every child as they had promised, and made the laws they were supposed to make at the right time, the country could not find itself in the dilemma it is in right now.
So, wherever you are, you must always position yourself to SEE opportunities, to SENSE when an opportunity is around the corner, and to SEIZE the opportunity while you have the time because every opportunity comes and goes.
Otherwise, your life will end up in misery as the wise man tells us in Proverbs 5:11: “Your life will end with groanings of remorse, of opportunities missed, and your flesh and bones will be eaten up with sorrow, regret for worthless efforts” (THE VOICE).
Seizing opportunities in life means living intentionally and with our purpose always on our minds. Your life should not end with groanings of remorse for missed opportunities!